windows on the go.
fixtures on the go
Requires iOS. Compatible with iPad and iPhone.

Fenestra+, the best and fastest way to draft windows frame on the go.

Just a few clicks to get an estimate and price quotation in PDF format.

Ready to start

Preloaded doors and windows profiles of any kind or composition.

When you choose model's types and series, Fenestra automatically selects the right elements and produce price quotation based on finish.

Automatic selection

You fix the prices for every kits, Fenestra will select the right one based on opening direction.

Gorgeous collection

The projects are listed with a beautiful preview and grouped by client.

Fenestra can import clients's data from iOS's Address Book.

Powerful visual editor

Draw any type of shapes and select opening direction without limit.

Advanced functions to inspect and modify any project's element. Structural and not.

Beautiful PDF

Project, estimate and price quotation output in PDF format.

Detailed proposal ready to print or share to your customers.

Contact us